Mastering Yoga Poses with the Help of Flexelent Squat Wedges: Shana Meyerson’s Experience
Harnessing Stability and Confidence with Squat Wedges in Yoga
The team at Flexelent recently had the pleasure of collaborating with Shana Meyerson, the acclaimed founder of YOGAthletica®️ & mini yogis®️ yoga for kids. A passionate yogi, Shana has always been on the lookout for tools that can enhance her practice and benefit her students.
When introduced to the Flexelent squat wedges, her initial reaction was overwhelmingly positive. “I love these Flexelent wedges!” she exclaimed. Highlighting their stability and strength, Shana found them especially useful in helping practitioners maintain their heels down in challenging yoga poses like malasana, pasasana, and purvottanasana.
The ergonomic design of the Flexelent wedges stood out to her. In her own words, “They create a comfortable and ergonomic surface for your feet to land and get the ground-connection they need to get efficiently into your poses.”
But it’s not just about function for Shana. The design of the wedges, coupled with a cool carrying bag, makes them a must-have for any serious yoga practitioner. For those heading to yoga classes, she notes, “you can bring them along, especially as many classes only offer standard blocks, which just won’t do the trick!”
To sum up her experience with Flexelent’s squat wedges, Shana’s endorsement from her Amazon review says it all, “Highly recommend!” It’s not every day that a product gets such an accolade from a yoga professional of Shana’s stature. Her recommendation underscores the efficacy and design prowess of Flexelent’s products.
For those inspired by Shana’s journey with the Flexelent wedges, don’t miss out on the special 25% off offer available now.
We’re grateful to Shana for sharing her insights and experience with our community, showcasing how our wedges can be a game-changer in the world of yoga.