August 17, 2023 in Squat Techniques and Workouts

ATG Squats: The Full Guide to Ass-to-Grass Training with Squat Wedges

Workout tips: Man performing a barbell squat with Flexelent squat wedges for better form and mobility.
A man demonstrates a barbell squat with Flexelent squat wedges, showing the importance of proper form and ankle mobility in strength training.

Dive Deep, Train Smart: Unleashing the Power of Full-Range Squats with Flexelent

Sweat-sisters and fitness enthusiasts, if you’ve been looking for that one game-changer in your leg workout routine, you’re in for a treat! ATG or “Ass-to-Grass” squats are all about depth, power, and incredible results. But here’s a secret: pairing them with the right tools like Flexelent’s Squat Wedges can elevate (literally!) your squatting game. 🌟

What are ATG Squats?

For those of you unfamiliar, ATG squats refer to a squatting technique where you lower your body as much as possible, aiming to get your posterior (yes, that means your bum!) close to the ground, hence the term “Ass-to-Grass.”

Why ATG? Benefits Galore!

  • Enhanced Mobility: This deep squat encourages full joint and muscle extension, promoting flexibility and strength in the lower body.
  • Glute Activation: Ladies, this one’s for the booty! The deeper you go, the more those glutes fire up. And we all love those gains, right?
  • Improved Stability: ATG squats help in strengthening those smaller, stabilizing muscles, giving you better balance and core strength.

Elevate Your ATG: Enter the Flexelent Squat Wedges

While ATG squats are fantastic, they can be challenging, especially for beginners or those with mobility issues. That’s where our beloved squat wedges come into play.

  1. Optimal Heel Elevation: Flexelent’s Squat Wedges provide the perfect elevation for your heels, making those deep squats more achievable and comfortable.
  2. Reduced Strain: Say goodbye to unnecessary strain on your ankles and knees. The wedges help align your body optimally, ensuring safety and effectiveness.
  3. Versatility: Not just for ATGs! These wedges are your go-to for a range of exercises, making them a valuable addition to your gym arsenal.

Your ATG Checklist with Squat Wedges

  1. Warm-Up Right: Start with some dynamic stretches to prep your body.
  2. Position Those Feet: Place each foot on a Flexelent Squat Wedge, ensuring even weight distribution.
  3. Engage the Core: As you lower down, keep that core tight, and remember to breathe!
  4. Depth is Key: Aim to go as low as possible, but always listen to your body. No pain, all gain, ladies!
  5. Rise and Shine: As you rise, push through the heels, squeezing those glutes at the top.

Ready to elevate your ATG game? Grab your pair of Flexelent Squat Wedges on Amazon now and let’s get squatting!

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