February 23, 2023 in Yoga and Flexibility

5 Yoga Poses Every Athlete Should Be Doing

Yoga pose using Flexelent squat wedge blocks
Woman practicing yoga with Flexelent squat wedge blocks for improved flexibility.

Incorporate these 5 stretches into your daily routine — each made easier with the Flexelent Squat Wedges yoga blocks

There’s a reason millions of people all over the world practise yoga — and have done for thousands of years. The combination of physical and mental exercises is powerful — it can strengthen your body and your mind, and help to make your body bulletproof when it comes to injuries. 

The good news is, you don’t even need to step foot inside a fancy yoga studio to reap the benefits. Some of the most effective poses are easy to perform — you can give them a go anywhere (although it can be helpful if you have a yoga mat). 

So take a deep breath and try these five yoga poses — we’ll explain why each is worth doing and how Flexelent Squat Wedge yoga blocks can make them more approachable for athletes with injuries, or even total beginners. 

Downward Dog

How to do it: Start on your hands and knees. Your hands should be shoulder-distance apart and your knees under your hips, toes pressing into the floor. Next, push into your palms and lift your knees off the ground. Raise your hips up and back, and try to lengthen your spine. 

As you breathe out, straighten your legs as much as possible and reach your heels towards the ground. Remember to keep breathing as you hold the pose.

Benefits: This pose is excellent for building arm and shoulder strength, relieving back pain, and stretching the hamstrings, calves and feet arches. 

Modifications: Some people may find it takes pressure off their wrists by placing a Flexelent Squat Wedge yoga block under their hands.

Upward Dog

How to do it: Lie flat on your front with your forehead on your mat. Place your hands under your shoulders, keeping your elbows tucked into your sides and push your navel up away from the mat, maintaining straight legs and ensuring your toes are pointed behind you. Inhale and lift your torso further while raising your hips and thighs off the floor. Tilt your head back slightly, and press down through the tops of your feet. 

This pose will boost your arm strength while stretching the chest, shoulders, abs and lower back. 

Again, using Flexelent Squat Wedges as yoga blocks, you can relieve pressure on your wrists. If the pose is too much on your back, you need only lift your torso a few inches, using your elbows as support.

Balancing Stick

How to do it: From a standing position, take a large step forward with your right foot. Simultaneously lower your upper body forward while lifting your left leg behind you, as straight as possible. As yoga coaches often say, you’re aiming to look like the letter ‘T’ — not a broken umbrella! Keep stretching in both directions — this will help you balance. Hold for a few breaths, lower your left leg and repeat on the other side. 

This pose is great for your back, shoulders, hips and hamstrings and will certainly improve your balance!

Using Flexelent Squat Wedges yoga blocks to elevate the heel on your standing leg can make it easier to balance and hold the pose for longer. 


How to do it: Start in a press-up position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and heels over your toes. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you and think about lengthening through the back of your neck and spine. Hold the pose for as long as you can, but remember to breathe!

This simple pose is excellent for building a strong core, arms and shoulders.

An alternative to the ‘long arm’ plank variation described above is to rest your weight on your forearms, with your elbows bent. You could elevate your forearms on Flexelent Squat Wedge yoga blocks too.


How to do it: Lie on your back. Bend your knees, bringing your heels close to your butt with your hands down by your hips, palms down. Pressing your feet and palms into the floor, lift your hips up as high as possible and try to keep your chin close to your chest. Hold for a few breaths before releasing and gently rolling the spine to the floor. 

This pose builds strength in the back and hamstring muscles and can help you open the upper chest which is especially effective for people who sit at a computer all day. 

Squeezing a Flexelent Squat Wedge yoga block between your thighs is a good way to make sure your legs and feet are aligned.

Thanks for reading, guys! Until next time, stay healthy and happy.

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